Due to alcohol, people lose their jobs and family, more often commit crimes, degrade intellectually and physically. Specialist in the management of Shakhram Heshmat talks about the five reasons why we, despite all this, continue to drink alcohol.

For success in any activity, you need motivation. And the use of alcohol is no exception. Motivation is a power that makes us move towards the goal. The goal that drives those who take alcohol or drugs is formed in the same way as any other. If they see real or potential value in alcohol, they will strive to drink as often as possible. When making a decision to drink, we, as a rule, expect that we will get value in the form of a good mood, getting rid of anxiety and negative thoughts and gaining self -confidence.

If we have already experienced a state of intoxication earlier and retained positive thoughts about it, further drinking of alcoholic beverages bears real value for us. If we are going to try alcohol for the first time, this value is potential – we saw how funny and self -confident people become under its influence.

The use of alcohol stimulates different factors:

1. Past experience

Positive impressions are the best motivator, while negative personal experience (allergic reaction, heavy hangover) reduces the value of alcohol and reduces the motivation for drinking alcohol. In people of Asian origin, allergic reactions to alcohol are more common than Europeans. This is partly explained by the fact that in Asian countries they drink less.

2. Impulsive character

Impulsive people tend to have fun as soon as possible. By virtue of their temperament, they are not inclined to reflect on the negative consequences of the choice. They value alcohol due to its availability and rapid effect. Among people suffering from alcoholism, more impulsive than calm. In addition, they prefer stronger drinks


and drink alcohol more often.

3. Stress

Those who are in a difficult psychological situation value alcohol, since it helps to quickly relieve tension and cope with anxiety. True, this effect is relatively short -lived.